Ray is a 16HH 13 year old TB. passport, vaccinations etc to date. He is a lovely boy, great nature , fab to hack
better alone as in a big crowd he can get excited, good with tractors ect, fantastic in open fields , and over the chase.
Sadly he has issues with loading, we have travelled him in a 7.5 ton lorry, and a 3.5 ton lorry , hes not consistant and does not always load, one time fab other time no way. this is causing a problem as I travel alone and need a horse that loads. According to his last owners loan home, he was no problem in a trailer, but we have not tried him. as we have a box only. looking for a happy hacking fun home x will be greatly missed but having 2 others that are pets, we cannot justify keeping him. New tack and rugs available by negation .Any question please ask, my aim is to get him into the correct home where he will be