You may consider getting a facial as something a little too fussy for the likes of your manly skin. The spa slippers, soothing music, and cucumber water might not appeal to you. I get it, which is why I am different. Skin damage from your shave routine or the sun can’t be fixed with the soap and water you use every day. Redness fades, but the underlying problems don’t. In fact, probably more than the ladies, men need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and increased chance of sun damage. In addition, men generally have higher testosterone levels than women, which helps explain why men produce more oil. When not cleaned properly, oil will clog your pores and can lead to blackheads, which can lead to pimples. Razor burn, inflammation, and irritation from shaving over pimples are common consequences of shaving. A facial will deep clean bumps and soothe irritated skin. The smoother your skin, the better and less painful your shave. AND – facials are an amazing way to relax. Deluxe facial 1 hour £35