Bucks Property Agents are pleased to offer for sale exceptionally large 3 double bedroom home, formerly known as the Hereford Special. It has been meticulously maintained by the present vendors and boasts oak style laminate flooring to the main reception room and a modern kitchen. Gas radiator central heating, sealed unit double glazed windows, a good sized plot and garage are also to be found. There is a large en-suite to the master bedroom and the agents recommend an internal inspection.The accommodation on offer is as follows:ENTRANCE HALL:With laminate style flooring.CLOAKROOM:With low level WC, hand basin, radiator, ceramic tiled floor and window to side.SITTING ROOM:With matching laminate style flooring to the entrance hall, window to front, large storage cupboard under the stairs and thermostat for central heating. Two radiators, TV point, telephone point and living flame effect modern fire. Stairs to first floor and glazed double doors toKITCHEN/DINING ROOM:Well-presented oak style units, high and low level, with integrated oven, hob and hood with stainless steel splashbacks. Plumbing for dishwasher, plumbing for washing machine, sink unit and matching splashbacks to work surfaces. Gas boiler housed in cupboard providing domestic hot water and central heating, window to rear, radiator and patio doors to outside.On the first floor landing:With loft access, loft has been boarded and has fluorescent lighting and ladder. Shelved airing cupboard housing lagged hot water cylinder.MASTER BEDROOM:A light and airy room with two windows to the rear aspect, TV point, telephone point, radiator and second loft access.ENSUITE:With double shower in cubicle, hand basin, WC, extensively tiled walls, extractor fan, shaver point and radiator.BEDROOM 2:With radiator and window to front.BEDROOM 3:With radiator and window to rear.FAMILY BATHROOM:With suite comprising of low level WC, pedestal hand basin and panelled bath with mixer tap and shower attachments. Extensively tiled walls, extractor fan, shaver point, ceramic tiled floor and radiator.OUTSIDE:To the front of the property are small lawns with a central pathway giving access to the front door. The driveway is to the right hand side of the property, providing off road parking and leading to a single garage with up and over door, power and light connected and personal door to the rear. The rear gardens incorporate patio, lawns, corner decking area, garden shed and some raised flower beds. Fenced and hedged with close board.