4 bedroom detached new house for sale, Humber Detached at Violet Bank, Peebles EH45

3200 GBP

Filled with quiteexceptional features, including a light-filleddining room with baystylefrench windows, a luxurious masterbedroom incorporatinga spacious dressingarea, and a seconden-suite bedroom, the Humber is animpressive homeof great qualityRoomsground floorLounge (3.750 x 4.314 m)minFamily Dining (4.905 x 3.669 m)Kitchen (3.996 x 2.679 m)WC (1.500 x 1.781 m)Utility (1.388 x 1.781 m)first floorMaster Bedroom (2.720 x 5.293 m)En Suite 1 (1.888 x 1.616 m)Bedroom 2 (2.855 x 4.067 m)minEn Suite 2 (1.466 x 2.559 m)Study Snug Dressing (3.012 x 4.630 m)maxBedroom 3 (3.357 x 3.308 m)Bedroom 4 (3.057 x 2.694 m)max/maxBathroom (2.540 x 1.700 m)About Peebles GaitLiving in PeeblesQuality of life is about the details of everyday living.From the little things, like knowing the nearest placeto pick up a pint of milk, to more important matterslike finding the right school or having a health centrenearby, you need to know that the community you’removing to will support you and your family, as wellas be a pleasant place to live. So here’s some usefulinformation about the area around Peebles Gait.Local RootsPeebles was establishedas a local burgh by KingDavid I in 1152, and itstraditions live on todaymost obviously in thetown’s annual BeltaneFestival, a week-longcelebration whichfeatures processions, entertainments and theRiding of the Marchesto establish the town’sboundaries. The festivalis enjoyed by localsand visitors who comeespecially for the event.TransportPeebles is half an hour’sdrive from Edinburghand one hour fromGlasgow. There areFirst Bus services toEdinburgh, a journeyof around an hour, andto Penicuik, Innerleithenand Galashiels.Education and HealthKingsland PrimarySchool, arounda mile and half fromPeebles Gait, is a nondenominationalschoolcovering nursery ageto P7. It occupies a light, spacious new buildingwith wonderful viewsacross the River Tweed.Halyrude RC PrimarySchool and the town’ssecondary school, Peebles High, is alsowithin a short walk. Twolarge medical practicesoperate from the HayLodge Medical Centre, around a mile away, and the nearest ofthe town’s four dentalsurgeries is even closer, in Crossland Crescent.Leisure and RecreationThe town features a25-metre swimmingpool with panoramicviews of its beautifulparkland setting besidethe Tweed, and theLeisure Centre at Gytesincludes a gym, sportshall, dance studio andan Astroturf pitch. Thearea is renowned for itsfine fishing and walking, with the Tweed ValleyForest Park amongstthe many celebratedoutdoor attractions.In addition, there areseveral fine restaurantsand traditional pubsto enjoy.ShoppingPeebles was recentlyvoted best town inScotland for its rangeof independent shops.Its High Street includesnewsagents, butchers, bakers, a post office, pharmacists, clothingoutlets, ironmongers, off-licences, banks, building societies andhot food takeaways, some of which arehoused in fascinating, picturesque buildings.The developmentis well placed forsupermarket shoppingwith both Tesco’s andSainsbury’s in the town.Arts and EntertainmentPeebles Arts Festival, held at the end ofAugust, has eventsfor children and adultsincluding cinema, theatre, music, visualarts, literature, crafts, workshops and walkingtours. The EastgateTheatre, one of themain Festival venues, also presents live showsthroughout the year.Peebles has a popularmuseum, gallery andlibrary housed in thehistoric ChambersInstitution withinthe town centre.Useful ContactsPeebles Swimming PoolPort BraeGytes Leisure CentreWalkershaughPeebles Post Office14 EastgateLloyds Pharmacy20 High StreetKingslandPrimary SchoolNeidpath RoadHalyrudeRC Primary SchoolRosetta RoadPeebles High SchoolSpringwood RoadNeidpath Medical PracticeHay Lodge Health CentreNeidpath RoadThe TweedHay Lodge Health CentreNeidpath RoadJohn HammondDental Surgery1-3 Crossland CrescentOpening HoursThursday to Monday11:00am to 6:00pmDirectionsFrom Edinburgh and the NorthExit at the Lothianburn junction of the bypassand take the A702 to Biggar Road. Take the sliproad A701/A703 Peebles (Seafield Moor Road), at Gowkley Moss Roundabout take the secondexit and continue on the A701. Take the slip roadto Auchendinny (B7026), continue past DalmoreMill, then continue through Loanstone, turn leftat the Leadburn Junction onto Peebles Road (A703).Approaching Peebles, take the right turn signpostedto Rosetta Caravan Park. Around a mile on, theentrance to Peebles Gait is on the left hand sideFrom Glasgow and the WestTake the M8 to Edinburgh and join the CityBypass South (A720). Carry on straight throughthe Dreghorn junction, then leave the Bypassat the next junction to join the A702 followingsigns for Penicuik and Biggar. Half a mile on, takethe left-hand fork to join the A703, signpostedfor Peebles and Penicuik. Two miles on, turn rightat the lights to join the A701 through Penicuikand follow signs for Peebles. Almost 16 miles afterStraiton junction, approaching Peebles, take theright turn signposted to Rosetta Caravan Park.Around a mile on, the entrance to Peebles Gaitis on the left hand side.Sat Nav: EH45 8HFDisclaimerThe house plans shown above, including the room specifications, may vary from development to development and are provided for general guidance only. For more accurate and detailed plans for a specific plot, please check with your local Miller Homes sales adviser. Carpets and floor coverings are not included in our homes as.

01721 266002

Location: Scotland - Selkirkshire
Added on 9 days ago and expires on 20 April, Ad id: 165458          433 visits