We provide a service to assist clients to adapt and live more independently in their own home environment and the wider local community. We aim to provide an environment where clients can regain self-confidence and recognise their own strengths and potential for independent decision making. We believe that the families of those affected should have the right to fulfil their own lives, safe in the knowledge that their relatives are properly supported and cared for. We work in partnership with local organisations, government, employers and charities to create opportunities for development and networking for clients. To meet the individual clients’ needs, the support provided by A & F Quality Care Services is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non discriminatory fashion whilst respecting each client’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment and the right to make informed choices and to take risks within their capabilities. We ensure each client’s needs and values are respected. We ensure that each client receives written information on procedures for handling complaints, comments and compliments and how to use.