This bicycle was won via a competition from work the prize was this bike, the issue is I do t like riding bikes and have no interest in riding this so want to sell alternatively it will only produce and collect dust and get in our way, as it states above this item is brand new in the box the price that will be advertised will be for a brand new unused item this has never been touched since received. The bicycle came from halfords as I had to redeem the prize from there store. The bike wwith as chosen by myself and is worth £500 unused and that is the price halfords are selling it at. With it being an expensive bike I am very reluctant to sell for much cheaper myself but I will accept £450 Ono with it being an expensive bike. The buyer may view to see that we are being totally honest with saying its brand new and we also have reciept to prove it is legitimate and not a stolen item. We will gladly show the reciept up on request thank you for looking;