Chair Yoga Class Chairs provide the body with a stable alignment which allows for even deeper stretches to every part of the body. Chair yoga works for anyone recovering from illness as it’s the perfect route back to physical functionality. It is also perfect for anyone who finds getting up and down from the floor a challenge. The chair provides a lever, by building mobility in your joints, improving circulation and breathing, and providing deep restorative relaxation. Class 1: Wednesday 11.00am-12.00pm Level: Suitable for all levels Cost: £8 drop in / £7 per session when booked termly in advance. Info: Wear light clothing and bring a bottle of water. No experience required. Please check availability of places. Refreshments: Tea, coffee, drinks and snacks available. Telephone: 01323 639 883 01323 639 8...(click to reveal full phone number) Address: Eden Blue, Unit 19, 1 Green Street, Eastbourne, BN21 1QN Website: Email: click to contact Facebook: Twitter: