Deep Tissue Massage for Specific Pain, Relaxation and Stress Issues

Massage is not a luxury, it is necessary for health and wellbeing! Our deep tissue massage is a holistic fusion of East and West. Deep tissue, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and hot stones combine to give you the most relaxing, pain relieving and healing experience possible. Each massage will focus on what is needed by the client, be it pain relief in a specific area, tension or stress.

Deep-tissue massage targets the deeper layers of the muscles, where soreness typically begins. It helps specific relieve pain and aches in the muscles and also encourages circulation your body to accelerate healing.
Hot stones warm and relax the muscles before being worked on. They target sore areas, kneading the muscles and increasing circulation, which support a faster post-workout muscle repair and ease general pain. It is also nurturing and comforting and an excellent relaxant.
Trigger point therapy works on specific pain areas for those who need it. Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort. The results and benefits of trigger point massage are releasing constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain. You can experience a significant decrease in pain after just one treatment.
Myofascial release - Fascia is the netting of connective tissue that connects muscle to bone and covers our entire body. Myofascial release therapy helps the fascia which is 'stuck' and immobilised move freely again, which relieves pain and improves flexibility. Fascial restrictions do not show up on CAT scans, MRI’s or X Rays therefore many patients are suffering unresolved physical and emotional pain due to undiagnosed fascial trauma.
Stretching the muscles which have been worked on is great for flexibilty and pain relief. Stretching gets the blood flowing to muscles that have contracted because of stress or immobility. Without a good stretch, these muscles can spasm and shut down-and then show up as the marble-like knots that get extra attention from your massage therapist.
Our massage therapy relieves general and specific pain and stress in the muscles, be it from tension, stiffness or the result of exercise.
Massage reduces inflammation and stimulates cell repair, which enables muscle cells recover from pain and injury faster. It also helps muscles adapt to increased exercise.
We all expect to feel sore after intensifying our workouts, lifting more than we are used to, adding reps, trying something for the first time, or working the muscles in an unusual way. The soreness is usually a good thing and means the muscles are building. Massage performed after a workout helps to relieve the effects of muscular fatigue.
Massage relieves soreness and stiffness and it encourages the muscles to maintain flexibility and looseness. The joints, tendons and ligaments are also helped in the same manner. Massage assists the body to easily transport nutrients and oxygen to the muscles because of the enhanced blood flow.
Research has shown 80% of chronic disease is stress related. Everyday annoyances like heavy traffic or an overwhelming inbox—or sustained crises, such as unemployment or caring for a sick relative—can cause the body to activate the stress response constantly, which is called chronic stress. The body and brain can’t reset hormones and inflammatory chemicals to normal levels, damaging the immune system, and shrink the blood vessels, inhibiting circulation. A stressed mind and body means the heart works harder. Breathing becomes rapid and shallow, digestion slows. Nearly every body process is degraded.and making you far more likely to get sick. Stress is a main contributor to chronic disease, such as cancer, heart attacks and diabetes. Studies show stress can cause migraines, hypertension (high blood pressure), depression, some peptic ulcers, etc. If you are experiencing any type of regular stress then regular massage is essential. It will counteract the effects of stress and give your body the time to recuperate and recover, which is vital to your health.

A short block of weekly massage followed up by a monthly top up can rid the body of many types of pain and keeps them at bay. It also benefits circulation - function of the lymphatic system - digestion - gets rid of toxins - creates more energy - enhances deeper sleep - improves concentration and mental outlook - enhances calm and creative thinking. As well as soothing aches and pains massage also encourages the skin to heal minor abrasions. Give yourself the time out you so truly deserve, after all it's your body, are you looking after it in the way it needs and?

Location: South East - West Sussex
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