Our next Fire Marshal training course at £75/candidate, will be taking place on the 12th of June 2017, between 9.30-1.00pm; to enrol on the course please call us on tell 020 32396977 020 323969...(click to reveal full phone number) or email us. Please read below for more information or call to book. Please also visit our website trainingforsecurity dot org dot uk. You can also book directly on the website via secure PayPal connection. You do not need a PayPal account, you can just click on the link that says Pay with a debit/credit card. http://www.trainingforsecurity.org.uk/fire-marshal-fire-safety-awareness/ What is a Fire Marshal? A Fire Marshal, also known as a Fire Warden, is a person responsible for Fire Safety measurements within a company and/or a building. The Fire Marshal has to undertake professional training with regards to what precautions need to be taken, how to maintain fire extinguishers, maintaining the fire evacuation details in place together with fire exists, fire lights and fire alarms. By law every company or building must have Fire Marshals in place for the safety of the employees and any visitors. The number of Fire Marshals needed will be noted upon undertaking a Fire Risk Assessment. There are businesses that are classed as high risk therefore they need more Fire Marshals trained, i.e. care homes, hotels, schools, building sites, etc. This course covers the role of the designated fire marshal. It also gives you the opportunity to learn about the different types of fire extinguisher and how to use them correctly (due to environmental issues there will be no live demonstrations).