Welcome to DuoTech Electronics Google Nexus Tablet
Google Nexus Tablet Product
Google Nexus 7" (Asus 2012 version)
Google Nexus 7" (Asus 2013 version)
Google Nexus 10" (Samsung)
Google Nexus 9" (HTC)
Google Nexus 10
As your Phone or Tablet stop Charging, Charging port loose or broken off, you have to giggle connecter to get it to charge, "WE CAN HELP"
We repair or replace charging ports/ USB charging dock
Let DUOTECH ELECTRONICS Repair or fix that broken charger port on your TABLET or PHONE so you can get a full charge every time you plug in. Stop letting your broken charging port cause all sorts of other problems!
We can fully repair and/or replace any broken charging port no matter how bad the problem, we are the charger port repair experts.
Give us a call tell us how your tablet is behaving when you're trying to charge we will then be able to quote you a price on repair
Give us a call and speak to our technicians on: 0121 565 4007/ 07958203733 Website: http://www.duotechelectronics.co/