Government Free Boiler Scheme

Is your boiler over 10 years old??
Are you claiming any of these benefits and live in a privately rented or owner occupied property with 3 bedrooms or more that was built before 1983?
If so you could qualify for a FREE A’ rated boiler. Over time boilers can become less efficient. A newly designed boiler will be much improved and will generally be less costly to run than one which is several years old. Most modern boilers are classed as ‘A’ Rated and are one of the best items to consider replacing in order to reduce running costs and to bring down carbon emissions. This is why the Government is offering fully funded and part funded boilers for people on certain benefits. Improve Energy Efficiency.Reduce Your Gas Bill. 2016 Government Backed Scheme. Call 01244 335389 01244 3353...(click to reveal full phone number) or 07714 841971 07714 8419...(click to reveal full phone number) ;

Location: West Midlands - West Midlands
Added on 3 days ago and expires on 15 February, Ad id: 349013          101 visits