So for those who want to say "Oh I wish I started 10 years ago" when I had read this advert.
See you then, again, for those who decide to be 10 years down the road and all so learned in a area of something that you might have no knowledge about, right now at this moment, but are going to learn, not because I said so but because when you see what is happening your mind will start working in a different way.
2018 for me is the start of a totally new type of way of living with so much potential.
Always remember those who don't want to see you better yourself will always give you horror stories.
Being scared is just an emotion, channel it into being brave and not allowing others to dictate your way of thinking, unless they are thinking in a direction that you really want to go towards, if this direction is knowing that you will and can only better yourself, each day, each week, each year.
Or see you in 10 years time.
Here again.
Still scared.
20 years to late.
Still allowing others to dictate your life to you.
When you should of taken your own life take your own life into your own hands 10 years ago.
If you don't believe me then see you in 10 years time.
For those with an idea of where they want to be, read between the lines and lets go on a journey, that you wished you started 10 years ago, just like I have wished I had started 10 years ago.
You can bet my life I am not going to be a, "I wish I started 20 years ago person".
I am already on this journey. I know I have been an idiot listening to others and not thinking critically for myself, but 10 years to late is better than 20 years too late.
One word of wisdom. You buy a house today, it will be worth more in ten years than what you paid for it right now. Or buy the same house in 10 years time from now for whatever its going to cost then.