HP Z230 Workstation Core i7-4790 3.6Ghz 8GB 1TB HDD Windows 10 Pro

329.99 GBP

Monitor: Acer B223W LCD 22"

Keyboard: Logitech K270

Mouse: Logitech M185

Processor: Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz CPU


Memory: 8GB

Media Drive: DVDRW

USB 3.0 Ports: (2 front - 2 rear)

USB 2.0 Ports: (2 front - 4 rear)

Network ports: 1

On-board Sound / Headphone / Microphone Inputs / Card Reader / 2 x Display Ports / On-board DVD-D

Location: Yorkshire and the Humber - West Yorkshire
Added on 10 days ago and expires on 23 December, Ad id: 570865          255 visits