Here we have an excellent 2009 Kawasaki GTR 1400. The bike is in untouched/standard condition, just as it came out the crate. This bike has a documented service history and has had no expense spared in maintaining it. The bike comes with all original keys and manuals as were supplied new. The paintwork is in great condition and has been fully polished by our on-site valet. The bike comes with a factory fit immobilizer, this stops a cloned key or screw driver being used to start the bike. This bike has a keyless ignition system in place. So as long as you have the transponder on you there is no need to to mess about with a fiddley ignition you just push the starter button and off you go.This bike is fitted with an Anti Lock Braking System (ABS), giving you more confidence while riding. Also fitted with a center stand to make washing and maintenance a whole lot easier. The bike comes with a set of lockable Hard Luggage, great for those trips away. The bike comes with a set of lockable Hard Luggage, great for those trips away. The screen on this bike is adjustable so you can set the screen to your preferred height and comfort. A tank pad has also been fitted to the bike, these protect the paintwork from rubbing with the riders jacket. This bike has a digital instrument display making it quicker and easier to see your riding information while riding. A fuel trip computer comes with this bike, it tells you your average MPG and also many miles you have left with your current fuel. The bike has been HPI checked and a Certificate will be presented with the bike. Viewing is welcome any time and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed. We also offer nationwide delivery, so if you prefer us to bring the bike to you just let us know! Give us a call for more info or pop in and view at CMC Cannock. *NOTE: Alarms can be fitted to any bike at an additional**