Mindfulness Meditation classes. Mindfulness meditation has been proven of benefit in all aspects of life especially at developing a sense of well being and managing stress and anxiety. It is a practice that is now maintstream in the NHS and used by almost every major organisation with its origins dating back to Buddhist practice. Here at the Jethavana Buddhist Vihara we offer this free of charge, it is completey secular and taught by highly experienced teachers who not only live their lives in Mindfulness and compassion but have trained to teach this over many years. The course: Introduction to mindfulness meditation Course Dates and Time Date Day Date Day Time 28-11-15 Saturday 24-11-15 Tuesday 5.p.m.to 6.p.m. looking at stress and relaxation 05-12-15 Saturday 01-12-15 Tuesday 5.p.m.to 6.p.m. anxiety 12-12-15 Saturday 08-12-15 Tuesday 5.p.m.to 6.p.m.. improving well being 19-12-15 Saturday 15-12-15 Tuesday 5.p.m.to 6.p.m. : improving well being and Developing compassion for self and others. Venue : Jethavana Buddhist Vihara, 13, Booth Street, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 0NG, Register before on or before 23rd November