Babies and toddlers love music and often this is how they communicate for the first time, whether it's through gesture, smiling or action.
Calm Farm's Music and Sensory groups are amazing and completely unique. They provide many different exciting experiences that are great fun for babies, toddlers and parents to share in the important first years. During the first 2 years of a baby's life they learn using their sensory motor skills and at Calm Farm we aim to assist this process through the use of our wonderful lighting equipment and wide range of sensory activities.
These groups are designed to promote all areas of your child's development which is inline with the Early Years Foundation Stage.
What do Calm Farm's groups involve?
Beautiful World instruments and sound effects
Makaton and baby massage
Amazing light projectors
Wonderful colourful puppets
Parachutes and drums
Singing songs and rhyme time
Dancing and learning actions
Musical games and fun activities
Under the Sea sensory activity
Bubble machine and amazing props
Social time
£30 for a 6 Week Program starting THURSDAY 8TH JUNE 2017