Physician in Gurgaon

Dr Sanjay Gupta is one of the most trusted , renowned and leading Physician in Gurgaon & NCR with over 50000 patients following him in various sub specialties of Internal Medicine. He has received meticulous training in all fields of medicine and critical care and is practicing the same for now over 12 years in leading hospitals and institutes of the country. He has some of the unmatched credentials and has been a gold medalist. He follows time tested and ethical medicine presently at HCL Healthcare PVT Ltd, Gurgaon and is attached to leading hospitals in the city. Dr Sanjay Gupta reached a milestone when he was caring for more than 1000 dengue patients in the 2010 epidemic. He has been an undergraduate and a post graduate teacher in Internal Medicine. http://www.physiciangurgaon

Location: South West - Isle Of Wight
Added on 10 days ago and expires on 20 April, Ad id: 331186          194 visits