Reconnecting back with your Inner Child is the key to Success, Happiness and Freedom in your Life

Are you stuck, afraid to follow your desires and dreams?
Are you experiencing inner and outer turmoil but do not know why?
Do you want more success, happiness and freedom in all areas of your life?
Do you often think negatively about yourself?

If so, the answer lies with reconnecting back to your inner child. Your inner child holds the key to you achieving your dreams, to getting your gifts out to the world, to having loving relationships in your life, to feeling inner peace, joy and happiness, to aligning back with your true Authentic Self and so much more.

The inner child lives within all of us, it is the part of you that feels deeply, that is playful, inquisitive, intuitive and very creative. You just need to look at babies and toddlers, they are in touch with their essence, in touch with their true divinity. They are totally free of self-consciousness, they will jump up on to the table with no fear of embarrassment, they will smile at strangers with no fear of rejection and they experience the wonder in everything that they see, touch and smell.

As we go through childhood, we slowly get programmed by society, our parents and the media – you can’t do this, you should be doing this, you are a disappointment, you won’t succeed, you are stupid – you get the picture! We develop our inner consciousness based on what we experienced in childhood. We go through certain experiences, painful or challenging and often as children we unconsciously start learning ways to avoid the pain, disappointment, hurt, anger etc by disconnecting ourselves from these feelings in order to function and survive. These unhealed feelings are then unconsciously repressed.

We instead develop masks which we cover ourselves with which we call ‘me’ and ‘ I’ and these becomes our identity (programme). These programmes are not who we truly are and keep us stuck in patterns, behaviours, beliefs and roles of doing certain things that really block our true light.

It’s very likely that you are living your life from these old and outdated programmes.

My name is Lorna and I am a Spiritual Teacher and Mentor. I offer a unique step by step mentoring programme aimed at heart centred individuals who know deep down that they are here to make a difference in the world:

Perhaps you have done a lot of personal growth and healing work and yet still feel like you are stuck in areas of your life – such as finances, relationship, career or wellbeing?
Perhaps you feel frustrated because you are not following your passions, or you feel disconnected from your dreams?
Do you have a sense that you’re here on earth to contribute in some important way, but get frustrated because you feel blocked from moving forward?
Or maybe you know what you should be doing, but just aren’t having the impact that you would like to?

My mentoring programme will be an opportunity to explore on a deeper level your own connection to yourself:

You will recognise that your outer life is simply a reflection of what is going on within.
You will learn the key steps to unlocking the wounded child within and how to heal, embrace and love these aspects of yourself.
You will learn how to access and feel these buried feelings and release the wounds of the past so that you can move forward and create your dreams.
You will learn how to recognise the triggers in your own life and how to take responsibility for your emotions.

As you begin to allow these inner feelings, beliefs and programmes to come to the surface, you align back with your Authentic Self (your wholeness) and start to heal. The Benefits are plentiful:

You feel lighter, protected and connected within and to others,
Your creativity increases and you intuitively trust what steps to take moving forward,
You take back any power you have given to others,
You are able to communicate your feelings freely,
You make decisions that are right for you and so much more.

Who you are is already perfect, whole and complete. When you reconnect back with these fragmented selves you begin to feel whole again. Your intuition increases and more of your gifts naturally revealed.

I invite you to contact me for a free consultation where you can ask me more about my mentoring programme and the work I do.

I look forward to speaking to you.

Location: London - London
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