Records Wanted - Vinyl Rock LP039sAlbum Collections bought - Collector - CASH PAID Will Travel


Records Wanted (Vinyl) by private collector - Rock, Metal, Progressive, Punk etc. LP's/Albums in Excellent Condition - Cash Paid and I will travel to view

I am interested in Rock music in all its forms, including Progressive , Classic, Punk and Heavy Metal from the 60's to the present day. Anything from AC/DC to Zappa and much more in between!

Must be in Excellent Condition - Good Prices Paid for the right stuff in the right condition.

Large or small collections bought and I will travel to view.

Please let me know what you have. If you call me and I do not answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you within 24 hours. You can also text me on the number I have provided on the top right of the screen.

Please note: I am happy to travel a radius of approx. 50 miles from Westbury in Wiltshire (where I live). I will of course consider travelling further if the collection is very special. We could also arrange to meet half way or you can come to me.

Please note: I do not buy classical.

Location: South West - Wiltshire
Added on 27 days ago and expires on 26 January, Ad id: 568178          212 visits