ARE YOU... Working really hard but not reaching your potential? Suffering with high levels of anxiety and exam nerves? Worried that you won’t cope in the exams? Struggling to revise and retain information? Stressing out over coursework and your dissertation? THEN HELP IS AT HAND! How I will support you to achieve: Identify your learning styles and how to harness them for success Strategies for effective learning and revision Build your confidence and self-esteem Teach you effective ways to overcome anxiety, worry and stress As a fully qualified teacher and professional resilience coach I have 9 years experience in supporting young people to achieve. Graded ‘Outstanding’ for my 1-1 teaching practice I have the passion and perfect combination of skills, experience and knowledge to help you to reach your potential. I currently have weekday and some early evening sessions available. Please contact me today for a free confidential discussion about how I can support you. Fully insured. Based in Eastbourne.