Are you a tradesperson or someone who provides some kind of service who wants a website to showcase what you do? Then we offer a cost effective answer.

Did you know that a very high percentage of great looking websites don't comply to W3C standards and are very slow loading, even the high street multiples? We offer a great looking, fast loading website that is W3C compliant. Your visitors don't want to be waiting 8 seconds to see what you are offering, they will simply look elsewhere.

All we need from you to start:

Point us to 2 or 3 websites and tell us what you like or don't like about them.
Provide us with good quality images. All we need then is to know something about you, you can send original texts or our writers can totally re-write an idea that you have seen on another website.

Once completed, we will send you an image of your website and help you arrange your hosting, domain name etc. and upload the site for you so that it is live. Obviously, there will be several steps along the way, but you will always be kept updated.

We will also do basic on the page SEO to help the search engines find you.
No upfront costs, so no risk.
5 pages inclusive of contact page £200. On top of this you will have to pay for your domain name and registration + hosting. Basic hosting is about £3 or £5 a month and a domain name is approx. £35 for a whole 2 years. We have a hosting company we recommend because of their excellent cpanel, but you are welcome to arrange your own. As we don't host ourselves, there will be no yearly fee to pay us, but should you need us in the future, we will be there for you.

Please note we are busy working on our customers websites during the daytime and prefer not to get distracted answering endless telephone calls, so please email us or telephone during our designated hours of 7 to 8 pm in the evening.

Location: South West - Cornwall
Added on 5 days ago and expires on 19 October, Ad id: 566510          177 visits